Review: One With My Lord

I’ve recently become a mum, and my son is fast approaching being able to talk. Whilst I’m excitedly anticipating this milestone, I’m constantly reminded that once the talking starts, it won’t stop. I’m told toddlers are fascinated with one word in particular – “why?” Then, as quickly as the “why” questions come, children grow and the question ringing in their minds becomes a different one: “Who am I?”
It’s a question that we’ve all asked, and probably continue to do so, because I’m not convinced it is resolved in adolescence. As a millennial, I’m still regularly faced with situations that call into question who I am, and culture directs me to find who I am by looking within myself. I am who I say I am. But am I really? Is the best way to find myself to look deeply within? Or is there somewhere greater I can go to answer the deep questions of my heart?
As a Christian, I believe God is the creator and supreme ruler of the universe and that his word, the Bible, is the final authority for life. God’s word has a lot to say about who I am, which is why I was so excited to read Sam Allberry’s new book, One With My Lord, which is an important and timely read that helps Christians to see who that they really are, now that they are ‘in Christ’. And this is so important for us to understand because it defines primarily who we are as believers. 

Union With Christ
The doctrine of Union with Christ is one that we might read about in systematic theology books, but short of a few recent works on the topic – one of note by Rory Shiner, who gets a mention in the book! – there’s not a lot of content out there, which is surprising given how much it influences everything. The word “Christian” is found only three times in the New Testament, whereas we find the language of being “in Christ” or “in him” used over 160 times by Paul alone, not to mention the other New Testament writers. The way the New Testament believers primarily saw themselves was “in Christ”. 
Allberry highlights the difference that understanding this doctrine makes to the Christian life. Without it, everything is blurry. All the pieces are there, and are beautiful, but aren’t fully in focus until we see clearly through the lens of Union with Christ. And so, he examines this doctrine by taking us through the New Testament to see why understanding our union with Christ transforms everything.

Who we are “in Christ”

First and foremost, we see we are ‘Blessed in Christ’. Through the longest sentence in the New Testament, Ephesians 1:3-14, we are shown with stunning grandeur the blessings we have received in Christ. Union with Christ is not just a separate gift that we receive: it is through our union with Christ that we receive all these blessings.
We see that we are ‘Saved in Christ’. Before we were ‘in Christ’ we were ‘in Adam’, which means that we are sinners in desperate need of saving. All of humanity is born by nature ‘in Adam’. For all humanity, our greatest problem is being dead in our sin. Nothing in life matters more than being born again ‘in Christ’ – receiving the forgiveness and new life that he brings. 
We see that we are ‘New in Christ’. While the presence of sin still remains in our lives, we are no longer under the reign of sin. We know this to be true, we struggle with sin and give in to temptation, and yet the reason our union with Christ is so empowering is that our old self has died with Christ. Jesus lives in us. Our lives are now defined by him, by what he has done, no longer by me and what I desire. I found this chapter to be both a challenge and a comfort. If I am who I am in Christ, then I am most truly myself when I am becoming more like him. 
We explore further how we are ‘Justified in Christ,’ ‘Holy in Christ,’ ‘Together in Christ,’ and finally, we see that we are to be ‘Continuing in Christ.’ Suffering and trials will come. But for those who abide in him, there is the promise of fruit in our lives. Growth in the Christian life means needing God more and more. And the privilege of those in Christ is to abide in him. 
Why does it matter?

In an age where finding myself is exhausting, fleeting, and ever changing; how good it is to anchor myself in who I am in Christ. This book is a must read for any Christian of every age. Allberry writes as a brother, communicating biblical truths in ways that will bless all who read it. Understanding your union with Christ will shape everything in your life as you seek to live for him. It gives us a solid foundation to stand firm when we come face to face with the pressures of this life. When my greatest temptation is to follow my own desires, there is greater strength that comes from my union with Christ. There is no greater need I have than being found in him. Praise God that I am who I am in Jesus. 

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